Our Team
Faculty & Team RD Holistic Wellness Clinic
A descriptive paragraph that tells clients how good you are and proves that you are the best choice that they’ve made.
Dr Ravi Doctor
Homeopathic Physician & Integrative Palliative Oncology
Dr Rekha Waghela
MBBS , Women Health diseases
Dr Randhir Patel
Homeopathic Physician & Sp.Integrated Oncology
Dr Ratna Vora
Physiotherapist Sp.Onco Physiotherapy
Mrs Vijaya Bhatia
Certified Yoga therapist Sp.Women Health and Diseases
Mr Chaitanya Kalve
Accupressure & Accupunture Sp.Pain Management
Ms Naina Singhania
Clinical Dietitian & Life coach Sp Lifestyle diseases
Mrs Naina Daryanani
Certified Yoga Therapist Sp.Onco Yoga
Mrs. Tanyushka Dhondi
Certified Psychotherapist & Counsellor
Mr Avinash Punde
Masters Social Work Sp.Cancer Initiatives
Mr Ghanshyam Tawadia
Post Grad Mass Communications Partner RD Holistic Wellness Clinic
Mr Nirav Parmar
Clean Green Health Initiative
Dr Nehal
Advisory RD Holistic Wellness Clinic
MBA Sp.Human Resources & Planning
Kulsum Agbani
Homeopathy Medical Intern
Ms Danica Doctor
Std. Physiotherapy Social Media RD.HWC