About Us
“The natural healing force
within each of us is the greatest
force in getting well.”
Who are we
As the name suggests the centre brings wellness into many spheres in lives of individuals affected with the disease.
Dr Ravi Doctor the founder member of RD Holistic cancer wellness clinic is a Homeopathic physician with a speciality in Palliative Oncology, trained and certified from the Tata memorial hospital and Lukas Klinik centre of integrative oncology Switzerland. He has more than 20 years’ experience in this field and is currently attached with two leading speciality hospitals Saifee and Masina in Mumbai.
He first came across this holistic integrative concept in treating cancer during his post graduate training at the Lukas Klinik Switzerland. What was clearly evident was a novel integrated approach of treating cancer with both the conventional and traditional systems of medicine which benefited the patient by improving not only physical but psychological quality of life. This multidimensional approach treating the cancer with a holistic approach made a huge difference in achieving tumour stability and bringing in longevity to life.
Seeing the benefits, it had in European patients Dr Ravi Doctor along with a team of specialists from traditional systems of medicine, rehabilitation medicine and psychological medicine with an experience in integrative and palliative oncology have rebuilt these modern-day integrative concepts and ideas into RD Holistic Cancer Wellness clinic.
Faculty & Team RD Holistic Wellness Clinic
A descriptive paragraph that tells clients how good you are and proves that you are the best choice that they’ve made.

Dr Ravi Doctor
Homeopathic Physician & Integrative Palliative Oncology
Practicing Homeopathic physician with an experience of more than 20 years.
Speciality training in palliative oncology from Tata Memorial hospital and integrative
oncology training with a special training in application of Mistletoe therapy in cancer from
the Lukas klinic Switzerland and Havelhoe Community Hospital Berlin.
Currently attached as consulting physician to the Saifee Hospital, Masina Hospital and
Mumbai Police Hospitals Mumbai.
Associate professor and head of the department with Virar Homoeopathic Medical college
and Hospital Virar.
Lead teaching faculty and founder member with International Integrated Oncology Training
Program an Indian and Swiss initiative in palliative and integrative Oncology, Switzerland.
Presented various research papers in national and international conferences, Arsenic Album
to reduce side-effects of Chemotherapy – Vienna Austria, Viscum Album and its role in
Immune oncology Swiss Conference of Pallia

Dr Rekha Waghela
Women Health diseases
A retired BMC Medical officer from the A ward South Mumbai. MBBS from Surat Medical
College 1967 batch.
She was been awarded the best clinic of BMC by the Mayor of Mumbai in the south region
for 5 times, a record in itself.
Her expertise is in women health and disease and palliative care management.
She is on the advisory board of RD Cancer wellness clinic.

Dr Randhir Patel
Homeopathic Physician & Sp.Integrated Oncology
Homeopathic physician with an experience of 10 years in palliative Homeopathic approach
in cancer. He has been a clinical associate to Dr Ravi Doctor at Saifee Hospital OPD and at RD
Cancer Wellness Clinic. He is trained and certified in Integrative Oncology and Mistletoe
therapy by the International Integrated oncology training program in association with Klinik
Arlesheim Switzerland. He is also a certified Ozone therapy practitioner certified by the
ozone forum of India.

Dr Ratna Vora
Physiotherapist Sp.Onco Physiotherapy
Post Graduate Master’s degree in Physiotherapy (M.P. Th) with a specialized training in
Onco- Physiotherapy from the Tata Memorial Hospital. She is also ESA certified personal

Mrs Vijaya Bhatia
Certified Yoga therapist Sp.Women Health and Diseases
Yoga wellness instructor, certified by ministry of AYUSH Govt of India.
She has a P.G Diploma in Yogic Science from Kavi kulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University and a
Diploma in Yogic Therapy, Natural living & Naturopathy from Yoga Vidya Niketan.
She has worked in areas of Cancer rehabilitation and a customised restorative yoga therapy
for Nervous disorders like anxiety and depression related conditions.
She has also worked as honorary basis at Advanced Centre for Treatment, research and
Education in cancer at the Tata Memorial Hospitals Treatment Facility at Kharghar Navi

Mr Chaitanya Kalve
Accupressure &Accupunture Sp.Pain Management
Is a certified Acupressure therapist in practice since 2013.He also specialises in cupping
methods, acupuncture and magneto therapy. His core speciality is pain management.

Ms Naina Singhania
Clinical Dietitian & Life coach Sp Lifestyle diseases
She is a certified registered clinical dietician with an experience of 8 years. Her dietary
advice in cancer is based on scientific based dietary plans and principles. Her work
experience is in women health, weight management and diabetes

Mrs Naina Daryanani
Certified Yoga Therapist Sp.Onco Yoga
Mrs. Naina R Daryanani is a Science Graduate from University of North London (England).
A Certificate Yoga therapist from the Kaivalyadhama (Kdham) Lonavala, she also holds a
Diploma in Yoga Education along with Yoga Therapy and Naturopathy from Yoga Vidya
Niketan – Mumbai.
Board certified as QCI Yoga Wellness Instructor by ministry of AYUSH-Govt of India.
In her experience in oncology, she was a coordinator for Yoga therapy for Cancer patients
and staff at ACTREC (Tata Institute for Advanced Centre for Treatment Research and
Education) Kharghar for over two and a half year and is still continuing the special monthly
yoga sessions for the staff of ACTREC till 2020.
Academically she is presently guest lecturer for FYDELED students at Bombay teachers
training College (BTTC) and a member for the School of Yoga -Hyderabad (Sind) National
Collegiate Board University (SOY HSNC University)
In the past she has been a faculty lecturer for the Diploma students at Kaivalya-Dham

Mrs. Tanyushka Dhondi
Certified Psychotherapist & Counsellor
BA(Psychology) and Masters in Industrial Psychology. She also holds a Post Grad diploma in
Counselling and is certified in drawing analysis and aptitude testing.

Mr Avinash Punde
Masters Social Work Sp.Cancer Initiatives

Mr Ghanshyam Tawadia
Post Grad Mass Communications Partner RD Holistic Wellness Clinic

Mr Nirav Parmar
Clean Green Health Initiative

Dr Nehal
Advisory RD Holistic Wellness Clinic

MBA Sp.Human Resources & Planning

Kulsum Agbani
Homeopathy Medical Intern

Ms Danica Doctor
Std. Physiotherapy Social Media RD.HWC