Offers unique integrated treatments using various specialties .
natural medicine bringing in comprehensive solutions from day to day as-well as chronic or recurrent illnesses.
Care Compassion Commitment
As the world health organisation defines health as ‘health is not just a mere absence of
disease but a balance of physical mental and social wellbeing. We at RD holistic Wellness clinic
follow the similar philosophy helping restore health at physical psychological and social levels.
As part of our integrated approach, we combine knowledge from both conventional and natural medicine to help boost regenerative forces
As part of our integrated approach, we combine knowledge from both conventional and natural medicine to help boost regenerative forces
Meditation programs
As part of our integrated approach, we combine knowledge from both conventional and natural medicine to help boost regenerative forces
As part of our integrated approach, we combine knowledge from both conventional and natural medicine to help boost regenerative forces
Music therapy
As part of our integrated approach, we combine knowledge from both conventional and natural medicine to help boost regenerative forces
RD Holistic Wellness clinic.
As part of our integrated approach, we combine knowledge from both conventional and natural medicine to help boost regenerative forces of healing together improving physical and psychological quality of life.
RD Welness Programs
cancer wellness
cardiac wellness
Gastro intestinal wellness
pediatric wellness
respiratiory wellness
bone & joint wellness
woman health wellness
respiratiory wellness
psychological wellness
RD cancer wellness
Swiss In cancer wellness clinic combines Indian and European healing methods for people with cancer. As cancer defies the immune system, we provide a specialised Mistletoe treatment program to rebuild and help maintain an appropriate immune system during all stages of the disease
Cancer can disturb numerous rhythms in the body, combining natural therapies help restore these rhythms and help rebuild damaged organ systems in the body.
palliative nursing care
psychological wellbeing program
Non ambulatory patients
can avail the same holistic treatment facilities at their home . Together we can improve physical and psychological quality of life.